Just another WordPress.com site


Sky gaming website

Based on my results we got from our test subjects, our site got the job done.  The site navigations was straightforward based on our results that we got.  There are, of course, possible improvements. I could have made site more visually appeasing. I could have also provided more options/questions.

Matt helped me


“Graphic Organizer”

This is a Nephron, it helps your body filter your blood. It is located in the kidney. I chose this image because i was doing biology homework.

Web Site Design

We were assigned to improve a “horrible” website. I naturally googled “The World’s Worst Website.”
1.How does the design reflect and support the purpose of the site?
The color scheme was at first horrible. I cleaned that up. The use of the design principles helped me.
2.Which of the 4 principles is most clearly evident? Explain their use.
Contrast- Not really evident
Repititon- Of the Color scheme
Allignement-this and and repition are the most evident. They help make my site the “best”
Proximity- not as prevalent as  contrast
3.What 2 ideas did you uncover because of this task?
1) How to incorpirate the things in Computer Art and Design with web design
2) That red hurts your eyes if it is used as the text color.






Does your home have Internet access?

Is this a question…? of course…

What do ISP’s actually provide?

An ISP is an ancronym for Internet Service Provider. It is also known as and Internet Accesss Provider (IAP).

According to homeworlds.com “Internet Service Providers, local or national, provide a connection or path into the backbone network for all the linked Local Area Networks now scattered across the Earth – which we all refer to lovingly as the Internet.”

What do they promise/guarantee?

To get you “connected” to the internet

What does that mean? What happens if it fails?What do they promise/guarantee?

They “promise” get you “connected” to the internet


Taken from link above (in italics)

  • Some Things That An Internet Service Provider Can Do:

  • Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) equip users with access to the internet through a connection to the ISP’s computer network.
  • ISP’s will set up a user with an account user name and password and the account holder can connect to the ISP’s computer through an internet connection (usually dial up modems).
  • Once the connection has been achieved, the account holder is able to surf the internet and to upload pages of content to a website.
  • ISP’s virtually always set the user up with one or more e-mail addresses; depending on which service program is chosen.
  • ISP’s will also supply the account holder with web space for his/her website.
    In summary, the services that an ISP offers vary considerably and Internet users should be mindfull of the following:
  • Charges for the service, set up, and on-going costs.
  • Customer Service or level of support should things go wrong.
  • The kinds of services that are provided; such as, webspace, e-mail addresses, FTP uploading, and much more.
  • The connection speeds that are provided.
  • The kinds of payment plans that are available.
  • Access that is reliable. Some ISP’s suffer with constantly busy systems. This is a bad sign!

Strengths and Weaknesses of Product and Process (Problem 2)

Hello thank you for veiwing this blog :) Product vs. Process

Just  like the famous saying goes “It’s the journey not the destination” the process is has more benefits for the person then the product.

Both product and Process are interconnected. Without each other they cease to exist. (without the process there is no product and vice versa)






The Scenario:

“You are caught in a snow storm while hiking. You find a cabin with an old generator with very limited power. There’s no phone….but there is an old computer, with only a text editor on it. You can’t email…but you might be able to upload a webpage to your work server. Your boss will see the web page and rescue you.”


 This is what we came up with:

Thanks Ellis ;) (he did the blue page)

Strengths of Product:

  • It is the motivation for the process
  • Gets us saved
  • Images fulfill the purpose because it causes the reader visualize our location which would have been next to impossible to do with words
  • Ellis introduced our situation effectively so our “boss” would understand the severity of our
  • The creator can share it but can’t share the process
  • Our Code was complex but compared to a site like the nytimes.com it is quite primitive. (or even of this post)
  • Our product meets the parameters because when our “boss” reads this he/she would figure out how to rescue us.


Weaknesses of Product:

  • Does not teach you anything
  • Our website is pretty basic
  • It is only available on our network
  • The pictures were too big
  • Can be controversial, people have different opinions of the product. 
  • Can’t get same product just by looking at it
  • Doesn’t give the same sense of pride that the process does


Strengths of Process:

  • Teaches us how to use html
  • Teaches us to problem solve
  • Teaches us how to draw from the various resources we have available (Mrs. Baker, peers, the internet)
  • We can use the skills derived from this problem to create more design pieces and websites.
  • Ellis and I both shared the work equally (He did one page I did the other)
  • We both assisted each other on major decisions
  • My person problem solving style is using the internet or Mrs. Baker because those resources usually get me more and better results. The drawback to this is that I bug Mrs. Baker too much, and when she is busy with someone else she can’t help me. The drawback to the internet is that you have to frame your search correctly or it will take you extended period of time to get the knowledge or information you need.


Weaknesses of Process:

  • Doesn’t have the motivation to make the product
  • Ellis learned different things then I did (Ellis learned how to manipulate text, I learned how to manipulate pictures)
  • Didn’t let us completely explore the all possiblities of html.

Internet Vs. Web? What is the difference?

Hokokuji Bamboo Forest Kamakura

What Is The Internet?

The Internet is at its most basic definition an electronic communications network. It is the structure on which the World Wide Web is based.

What is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web is a part of the Internet “designed to allow easier navigation through the use of graphical user interfaces and hypertext links between different addresses” (source:Websters).

Web to Internet Analogy:

The Web is to the Internet as a bamboo tree is to a bamboo forest.

(Given example: The Web is to Internet as France is to Europe)

Image Retrieved From:


Web Art Class

I will be adding art to this blog